Thursday, August 25, 2011

Research HW1

Characters the Inspire me

Nausicaa from Nausicaa and the Valley and the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki

Nausicaa is a strong-willed, innocent, bright and kind character. She showed compassion for all living things. What drew me to her was that she looked at both sides of the conflict in the story and found a resolution that both parties could agree to. Nausicca was a character that always stood for good of all creatures. She was not only the hero in this story , but a princess and a scientist. Nausicaa wasn't one of those princesses that stood back and let everyone else do the work, she was always there on the front lines. She could fight but she always tried to solve conflict peacefully.  The world around her is decaying. Earth in her world is inhabited by Ohmus , which are like giant catepillars with about 12 -16 blues eyes. The Ohmus came from the pollution from people and a giant humanoid war weapon that people made. These giant bugs became like giant armored bulls when they get angry and because of that they were used in the war near Nausicca's peaceful town. Nausicaa stopped that the warring countries from using the ohmus. She did so without using violence but empathy.

Marlin fron Finding Nemo

I liked Marlin because he is relatable. Anyone could understand how it would be to lose your family. Marlin went through a lot in this movie but he grew stronger and wiser for it. After his wife and kids got murdered he became very over protective of his only child. Once his child was taken, nothing could stop him from getting Nemo back. He was so determined to get his son back that he would go through Hell and high water to get him back. Mnay obstacles came about Marlin's way but, he got through those obstacles. He learned if he was determined enough that he could persevere. His story was about never giving up until you have accomplished your goal.

BlackJack from BlackJack by Osamu Tezuka

I liked this character because he was like a the robin hood of doctors. He is a doctor that can literally perform miracle surgeries, but he is not always successful. When he doesn't succeed, he refunds the clients fully and actually feels sorry if he can't help someone.  He charges the wealthy at a high price while he charges the poor for free or whatever they can give him for thanks. Black Jack is the doctor that others go to when they can't figure something out. So he is sort of like house, but  a way nicer. He doesn't have his doctor's license anymore because of his extremely risky surgery procedures, but everyone still wants his advice. Many in this character's medical world turns their noses up at Black Jack , but eventually have to admit that he is a way better doctor than they are. They admit defeat when their patient is about to die and they have exhausted all possible ways to cure their patients. He does all these good deeds but they still turn up their noses at him or take credit for what he has done. Other's first impressions of him is that  he seems like a cold, money hungry, crazy, and mysterious doctor  that performs miracles, but underneath he is a kind person that doesn't get enough credit for what he has done for many people.

Picked Characters Bios

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\drunkphotos.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\drunkphotos.jpg

Sir Dave the Drunken Knight

Dave is a knight in training. He wants to pass the tests set by the king to become a knight just like his forefathers. However, he isn't completely sure of himself. So he gives himself a little liquid encouragement, before the tests begin. He ends up going to the trials , but inevitably loses his chance to become a knight. During his drunken display of knight ship he ends injuring innocent bystanders and almost killing one of his competitors. The king announces his verdict for whom he chooses to be a knight and Dave vomits all over the royal rug. He is then sent to jail for attempted murder,aggravated assault and wielding a weapon while intoxicated.

Something Uncomfortable
 for Dave:

If he injured his mother at the event or if he passed the trials but puked on the kings shoes when he was being knighted.

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\chun lee-11.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\chun lee-11.jpg

Karl the Crossdressing 40 year old

Karl  has an alternative identity. When he is with his family he is the normal 40 year old family man. He has a average job, wife and family, and wishing for something different. So, he developed a fetish for wearing women's clothes. Eventually that lead him to anime conventions. His son was palying this street fighter game and his Karl walked in to tell him to quiet down and that is how he came to fall in love with  Chun Lee's outfit that he is wearing in this picture. He secretly watched his son playing the game often and researched the character online. And when his family was sleeping he would sow this charcters outfit together. Eventually he got enough courage and time to go and wear this outfit at an anime convention.

Something  Uncomfortable for Karl would be:

If he son saw him at a convention dressed like this or if his boss or wife found out about this.

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\cat-22.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\ddenton\Desktop\cat-22.jpg

Mr. Kitty the crossed eyed fat cat.

Mr. Kitty is a fat, old, house cat that is crossed eyed. His owners love him because of that. Mr. Kitty is always being caught in awkward situations. He loves to play with his toys, but didn't expect to have pictures during play time. So this picture is him being caught like a deer in front of headlights. Mr. Kitty still loves his owners because they take care of him really well.

Something Uncomfortable for Mr. Kitty would be:

Is if his family stops feeding him and they give him away.

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