Tuesday, October 18, 2011

concept art

Movie clips


The first shot was a shot that sets up the setting, and then the director brought in Beatrix the main character right in front of the house. That meant that is where she is going.  Then she walks across the grass full of little kid toys. Meaning that her next target  to kill has kids and they might be in the house. Beatrix rings the doorbell, and looks back once gain at the toys. This shot meant that she was worried about the possibility of her targets kids being there. Vernita answers the door,then the director does a close up on Beatrix's eyes and adds in the alaming music. While the music is playing there is a flashback to when Bill hada pregnant Beatrix beat up on her wedding day . In the flashback the last few shots were of Vernita participating in beating Beatrix up. They zoomed in on  her face to show you that the woman that participated in the beatibg was indeed Vernita. The flashback basically showed why Beatrix was there.Then the camera zooms out and then Beatrix punches Vernita in the face. The fight begins and they both show off their fighting skills.The camera jumps back and forth between them and eventually they both end up in the living pointing knives at each other. And then a school bus pulls up in front of the house. The kid is a part of the conflict.The a close up on Vernita's looking towards the window outside at the school bus. This shot was to show that she was worried about something.And then her a kid comes out of the school bus towarsd the house ,while they still have knives pointed at each other.Then a close up of Vernita's face, which was a shot that was meant she wanted sympathy from Beatrix on the matter of her kid. The kid comes in asks about the mess, Vernita sends her upstairs. Vernita and Beatrix stop fighting and talk for a moment. Then there is an overhead shot of them, which means this is where everything will start up again or end there. The next few shots are shots of both of them in one frame and then back and forth when they talk.  Then their is a shot of Bernita holding her kids picture, showing that this character doesn't want to die and cares for her daughter. Then their is a shot  when you get to see the difference in height between them.They talk about a new place for them to fight instead of her house.Vernita grabs some cereal , close up on the silverware. Which tells the audience that something is going to happen.Then back and forth between the two and then Vernita turns her back to the camera. Back and forth again with the camera, and then Vernita fires a gun from inside the cereal box. The first shot startles Beatrix and the fight begins again and ends with Vernita getting a knife thrown in her chest.Then there is a shot almost from the dead Vernita's view,looking up at Beatrix. Beatrix reclaim's her knife,and Vernita's dead body moves as she pulls the knife out. Beatrix stands up, and the you see her daughter in the background behind Beatrix and in front of her mother's body.Beatrix sees the daugher and then a series of stares. The she talks to Vernita's daughter about revenge and then leaves.


Mise enscene-1.
                         a) the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production
                         b)stage setting
                         a)the physical setting on action
                     a)uninterrupted connection,succession, or union
                     b)uninterrupted duration or continuation escepcially without essential change
                     a) the act of composing;specifically:arrangement into specific porportion or relation and especially into artistic form.
                      b) the general makeup